
Yucatecan Biotechnology Promotes Henequen Production

The resurgence of the so called “green gold” in Yucatán is now being driven by biotechnology. Henequen was so named during the 19th century thanks to the important economic benefits it generated during its industrial boom.

Currently this plant, native to the state of Yucatán, México, is part of a project that seeks to promote its production in the Biofactory, one of the Production Units of the Center for Scientific Research of Yucatán (CICY in Spanish), which focuses on genetic improvement and accelerated in vitro multiplication of different agricultural crops, achieving large-scale production of crops in high demand in the domestic and international market, among which henequen is one of the crops.

In recent days, the engineer in charge of the project, Itzamná Salas, explained that the project applies patented technologies by CICY as well as foreign technologies, such as Setis (Temporary Immersion System), and that the crops cloned in the Biofactory have unique characteristics and are of high quality, since they do not reproduce those that are susceptible to pests or diseases.

Thanks to the new technology, it is possible for these crops to enter production in a very short period. For example, henequen production begins after three and a half years, as opposed to others that start up to seven and a half years later. This significantly reduces the farmers’ expenses.
It is important to mention that, in addition to henequen, the Biofactory has experience in the mass production of papaya, coffee, annatto and coconut plants, which are marketed nationally with Acapulco, Veracruz and Colima, and internationally with Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, among others.

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