
Mexico’s 2020 Tourism Tianguis Goes Digital

The next Tourism Tianguis will be held in Mérida, Yucatán in 2021.

The new normal means digital media is our main source of communication with the outside world, and in addition to a form of entertainment, it is a useful tool. Thanks to technology, it is possible to hold important events virtually, including Mexico’s 2020 Tourism Tianguis, which reinvented itself and turned its 2020 edition into a completely digital experience.

The Tourism Tianguis is the most important event in the Mexican tourism industry, and brings together tourism companies, including hotel chains, airlines and tour operators, and promotes Mexico’s beautiful destinations and offerings.

By holding the event digitally, Mexican tourism industry reaffirmed its place in the tourism industry to strengthen its tourism sector and expand internationally.

32 Mexican states attended the digital event and included the same activities that its face-to-face version offers, including stands, showrooms where Mexican products and destinations are showcased, advertising spaces, a networking area, and even an auditorium for keynote speakers, conferences and seminars.

The next Tourism Tianguis will be held in Mérida, Yucatán in 2021.

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