
Jaguar-Tulum Park

The Jaguar Park, a project of the Government of Mexico for the territorial planning of Tulum, Quintana Roo, is an environmental and cultural preservation project that covers an area of 1,000 hectares (about 2,500 acres) and aims to become a protected public space where people can live in harmony with nature and appreciate Mayan history.

The Jaguar Park, a project of the Government of Mexico for the territorial planning of Tulum, Quintana Roo, is an environmental and cultural preservation project that covers an area of 1,000 hectares (about 2,500 acres) and aims to become a protected public space where people can live in harmony with nature and appreciate Mayan history.

The project includes the care of the existing ecosystem and the regeneration of areas that have been destroyed. New spaces will be developed to enhance the visitor experience and improve mobility within the park and its new sections. In addition, in the southern access area of the park, a new cycle path and a new public access to the beach have been built.

The importance of water and navigation is commemorated by the Mayans who built Tulum and a new relationship with the sea is sought, creating seven new public accesses to the beaches along the entire coast of the park, including the remodeling of the park’s lighthouse that will also serve as a pier for a better entry of visitors from the sea.

The park will have more than 12 kilometers (about 7.5 miles) of nature trails that will lead to the identification of archaeological remains and will become one of the most important Mayan archaeological sites in the world. It will also provide access to nurseries, lookouts, butterflies, cenotes, and other spaces for visitors to enjoy in harmony with nature. Jaguar Park is a biocultural project supported by the Mexican government to celebrate and protect Mayan heritage, which will be ready during the first quarter of 2024.

On October 7, the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development (Sedatu), through the Urban Improvement Program (PMU), started four connection and mobility works in the Jaguar Park with an investment of almost $367 million Mexican pesos (about $20 million dollars). Among the projects is the area that will link the park with the Mayan Train.

The head of the Sedatu, Román Meyer Falcón, explained that in connection with the Tulum station of the Mayan Train, pedestrian walkways, a shared road for bicycles, electric transport, and green areas are being built. He also commented that, for the constant flow of pedestrians and tourists, an access road to the archaeological zone and the site museum is also being built. Likewise, the expansion of lanes and the construction of a roundabout for safe crossings are carried out.

Within the block of works, the connection between the service center and the federal highway is being carried out, as well as the construction of a sighting area. The project includes the construction of walkways, a bicycle path, a vehicular stream, a lookout, green areas, lighting, and signage.

The first stage of the project, which consisted of the construction of 21 kilometers or 31 miles of perimeter fence, rest modules on Avenida Cobá, and a bicycle path, have been completed. Currently, work is being carried out such as the construction of the southern access and the intervention on Avenida Costera.

The construction of a site museum that will show the influence of Mayan culture in the area and other infrastructure works that are part of the central access are also in progress. Moreover, the project includes public access to the beach for the benefit of visitors. Currently, two new accesses are being built and the rehabilitation of four existing accesses is being carried out.

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