
Important Sporting Events in Cancun

Cancun is a leading national and international vacation destination and has been chosen to be the setting for international sporting events. Two important taekwondo and jiu jitsu tournaments will take place in this city in the Mexican Caribbean.

The World Taekwondo Council chose to hold its next world championship in Cancun, which was chosen over two other cities: Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, and Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

The Mexican and International Federation of jiu jitsu decided to hold one of the three elimination matches in Cancun. These matches will decide who will participate in the world championships in Abu Dhabi in 2023. The other two meetings will take place in Monterrey and Mexico City. 300 athletes from all over the continent, including Mexico, Central and South America, the United States and Canada will participate in this event.

Cancun is a safe, popular destination for various types of sporting events and tournaments.

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