
Discover this Artificial Mayan Island in Campeche

Discover this Artificial Mayan Island in Campeche

During the construction of the Maya Train that is being carried out in the Yucatan Peninsula, significant archaeological discoveries have been made, and also 21 archaeological sites open to the public are found along the railroad, according to INAH data.

Recently, the island of Jaina was rediscovered in section 2 of the railroad. Jaina is an artificial Mayan island located in the state of Campeche, in the area between Escárcega and Calkiní,within the framework of the Program for the Improvement of Archaeological Zones (Promeza in Spanish).

Jaina was an important necropolis

Jaina, which translates from Maya as “House in the water,” was an important ceremonial center, built approximately 1,600 years ago by the Maya civilization with the purpose of becoming a large cemetery. There have been findings of clay figurines in the site, which are thought to have been placed as offerings in the tombs or burial plots, and it is also thought that there are over 20,000 burials with about 1,000 so far excavated and archaeologically evaluated.

Another interesting fact is that Jaina has vestiges of a ball game, two complexes of pyramidal structures and other small buildings in different spots of the island. As a result of the onsite research work, the original pre-Hispanic dock of this artificial island was found, which was apparently used for commercial purposes. Work is currently underway for the construction of a bridge that enables access to the island.

Come and discover this and all the wonders that Mexico has for you!

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