
Captain Ferrat Fishing Tournament

The tenth edition of the Captain Ferrat Cup fishing tournament was recently held in Cancun. The beaches of this important tourist destination in Mexico are perfect for this type of sporting and recreational activities, and at the same time, serve to promote the diversification of the tourist offer in Cancun.

More than 40 boats were part of this 2-day fishing competition, and regarding this important event, Lourdes Latife Cardona Muza, who is in charge of the office of the Municipal Presidency, commented that in addition to expanding the range of activities for visitors who choose to spend their vacation in Cancun, this type of events also promotes environmental conservation and care of the valuable natural resources of the Mexican Caribbean through ecofriendly practices, and also supports the nautical sector, which generates a significant spillover effect in tourist destinations.

On the other hand, Javier Ignacio Murillo Betancur, one of the members of the organizing committee of the Cup, explained that in order to promote the protection of species such as sailfish, blue marlin and white marlin, the tournament included the ‘catch and release’ practice.

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