
7 days at the Sunset Marina


This Resort and their sister resorts are amazing. They treat you the way you want to be treated, and better than you could ever image. Their staff is top notch, they all are striving for perfection, and to please you and make sure you are happy and they work amazingly together. They are a well oiled machine, always working hard and making it look like fun, they have longevity there as well, some staff have been there over 20 years, they are happy which keeps their guests happy. The sunrises here are amazing, sand is the softest, water is the prettiest colors of blue/green you have ever seen, nice soft waves the are captivate you. Loved sitting in the chairs under the hatch roofs all day with drinks and food being brought out to you, some of the best days of my life were spent there relaxing and enjoying. The restaurants served delicious food, didn’t even get to try all of the restaurants, maybe 6 of them? All amazing. Loved the sister hotels also which they have a shuttle that runs on the hour. I need to go back asap. Loved!!! Thank you all, til next time.

Jun 4, 2022 – Glenna10404 Member

Get travelling, get away.