
10 Tips to Take Good Vacation Pictures

Your vacation is your special time with your family and/or friends.

vacation pictures, taking pictures on vacation, bright light, next trip, effects of light, picture director, tips from the experts, picture to life, 10 tips, many subjects

Your vacation is your special time with your family and/or friends. This time is precious, and in addition, it cost you a lot of money! Have you ever gotten home from a trip and realized most of your pictures weren’t very good? Are they out of focus, taken from too far away, too dark? Well before your next trip, study these tips from the experts, Kodak, and then practice a bit before you head for Cancun, the Riviera Maya, or Playa del Carmen!

  1. 1. Get down on your subject’s level. Especially with kids and pets.
  2. 2. Use a plain background. This will emphasize the subject.
  3. 3. Try using the flash outdoors. Use it in bright light to lighten shadows and on cloudy days to brighten up faces.
  4. 4. Move in close. Fill your picture with the subject.
  5. 5. Take some vertical pictures. Many subjects look better in a vertical picture.
  6. 6. Make sure the camera is focused correctly
  7. 7. Move it from the middle. Bring your picture to life by simply placing your subject off-center.
  8. 8. Know your flash’s range. Pictures taken beyond the maximum will be too dark.
  9. 9. Watch the light. Study the effects of light in your pictures.
  10. 10. Be a picture director. Add some props, rearrange your subjects or try a different viewpoint.

Don’t want to worry about taking pictures on vacation? Zoom Photoshop in Hacienda Tres Rios can help you. They will take the pictures for you, then you can choose only the ones you want and create a custom package.

Get travelling, get away.