
Ports of Quintana Roo United Against Plastic

The issue of plastic in the oceans requires action, and as part of the strong commitment of The state of Quintana Roo with the conservation of its ecosystems, the ports of this coastal state of Mexico intend to join the project “Caribe Circular, Prevention of Plastic Waste in the Seas of Central America and the Caribbean”, which in cooperation with Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and the Dominican Republic, seeks to prevent the entry of plastic waste into the seas of the Caribbean and Central America through the incorporation of initiatives that promote the proper management of plastic waste and regulate port activities to prevent such waste from reaching the ocean.

This project is implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The Secretary of Ecology and Environment, Efrain Villanueva Arcos, participated in the presentation of the project and stated that there are already several ports in Quintana Roo interested in being part of the pilot program developed by Caribe Circular in the region, which is a regional initiative based on the ideology of “waste-free ecological ports” in which the tourism sector and the communities near the ports will be involved.

GIZ’s Caribe Circular project manager, Eva Ringhof, explained that the initiative promotes the circular economy with a resilient, diverse and inclusive economic model that creates opportunities for sustainable growth, which opposed to the ideology of take, make and dispose.

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