
More Clean Energy in Quintana Roo

The Mexican Caribbean continues to take important steps to care for the environment though modernization. Like the Sunset World hotels in Cancun and the Riviera Maya, communities are now choosing to use renewable energy, a sustainable option, to supply electricity.

Punta Allen, a community located in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, was previously supplied with energy produced by a diesel plant, which consumed a significant amount of fuel, polluted the environment and only generated power for short periods of time.

With a significant investment, the renovation of the electrical system replaced the electrical network and public lighting. In addition, a photovoltaic farm that will generate clean energy was built. Two new solar generators and a solar water pumping system were installed and all bulbs where changed to LED lights.

The project is 50% complete and benefits approximately 700 inhabitants and more than 100,000 tourists who visit Punta Allen in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve each year. The project also contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 50-60%.

These actions reaffirm Quintana Roo’s commitment to caring for and conserving its ecosystems.

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