
Archaeological Discoveries in Yucatán Cenotes

The Yucatan peninsula is home one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world… cenotes. These fascinating sinkholes, in addition to being the only source of fresh water in the jungle, hold secrets from past.

According to recent information from the Secretariat for Sustainable Development (SDS), 169 cenotes in Yucatán are used for tourism, but in addition, important paleontological and archaeological discoveries have been made in them.

The cenotes of Yucatan are cleaned and monitored in order to protect the water and the flora and fauna that inhabit them. The SDS will soon resume its program, which was suspended at the beginning of the pandemic. The objective is to monitor the quality of the water in the cenotes that are open to the public.

Recently Fundación Bepensa cleaned a cenote in Yucatán and discovered cave paintings and the tooth from a megalodon, the largest marine predator that existed in ancient times.

These fascinating remains were presented on World Nature Conservation Day.

Get travelling, get away.