
International Burger Day

In case you didn't know, every May 28th the world celebrates the creation of one of the most popular foods today: the hamburger. Although it is considered a modest “fast food”, the truth is that the hamburger has legendary origins.

International Burger Day 2023

In case you didn’t know, every May 28th the world celebrates the creation of one of the most popular foods today: the hamburger. Although it is considered a modest “fast food”, the truth is that the hamburger has legendary origins.

What is the origin of the hamburger?
It is debatable, without a doubt, but the Romans already had a very similar version, although the Mongols were the first to prepare low-quality beef minced to make it more edible, and combined with legumes and spices to improve its flavor.

The hamburger as we know it today has its origins in the United States and seems to be linked to a particular recipe of frikadelle brought by German immigrants, from Hamburg to be more precise. What is certain is that by 1834 the dish was already on the menu at Delmonico’s restaurant in New York. But it was in 1895 that a German chef from Connecticut made the first “quick” version between two loaves of bread and served with French fries.

Although we all know that the people who popularized the hamburger in the United States, and later throughout the world, were two brothers named McDonald in 1940. Perhaps their great success lies in line production, since they made the hamburger more accessible, fast to acquire and consume for workers who increasingly had less time to eat. The rest is history, it didn’t take long for versions to emerge, sometimes better, sometimes worse.

Unfortunately, this fact also led, years later, to the hamburger being associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. So remember, the more “homemade” your hamburger is, the more nutritious, delicious and enjoyable it will be.


How do we celebrate International Hamburger Day?

Obviously eating hamburgers. That day, many restaurants that have the iconic dish on their menus offer super packages and discounts so no one is left without their hamburger.


How do you prepare a hamburger?

Recipes there are thousands. Every restaurant and every family has their own «secret» recipe, but here are some basic ideas:

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