
Earth Hour 2023

Saturday, March 25, Earth Hour. More than a movement for environmental conservation, Earth Hour is a wake-up call to the world about the urgency of taking action on climate change.

Saturday, March 25, Earth Hour
More than a movement for environmental conservation, Earth Hour is a wake-up call to the world about the urgency of taking action on climate change. Our planet needs us, and Earth Hour is the perfect opportunity to reflect on how we can work together to counteract the impact of climate change.

What Is Earth Hour?

It is an environmental movement that aims to raise worldwide awareness on the importance of taking action against climate change, in addition to promoting harmony between human beings and nature.

Earth Hour was created and is promoted by the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Leo Burnett advertising agency. It was first held in 2007 in Sidney, Australia, and in 2009 in Spain, as a symbolic act to draw attention to the current environmental situation by turning off the lights of monuments and buildings for an hour, which also resulted in a significant reduction in electricity consumption.

Since then, thousands of cities in more than 190 countries have joined the Earth Hour, and every year on the last Sunday in March, large businesses, individuals and communities, turn off the lights and unplug non-essential electrical appliances for one hour, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.


Sunset World Joins Earth Hour

As part of its firm commitment to environmental conservation, Sunset World hotels in Cancun and the Riviera Maya, will join this worldwide movement and carry out the iconic action of turning the lights off and preparing a special activity program for members and guests which will invite them to reflect on how they can care for our planet, such as crafts with recycled materials, meditations to connect with nature and physical activations for the whole family.

Get travelling, get away.