
Adopt A Shark in Playa del Carmen

Adopting a pet is a noble act. Most people give a new home to a puppy or a kitten, there are even those who adopt rabbits, but it is now possible to adopt a shark!

Adopting a shark is possible in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo. The shark will be named, and you can follow its path as it continues its life in total freedom in the depths of the sea.

Bull shark adoption is part of a campaign to raise funds for research in the Mexican Caribbean. The program is in its second year and is held by the Civil Association «Saving Our Sharks». This organization monitors 16 species of sharks in the Mexican Caribbean, including the bull shark and tiger shark, with different technologies.

The cost of adoption is 5,000 pesos and the proceeds are used to buy the necessary equipment for acoustic telemetry, a method that detects movement patterns of bull sharks and where they have their young, This provides valuable information that helps to manage protected natural areas where young bull sharks live until they are strong enough to survive in the sea.

Quintana Roo is home to about 30 acoustic telemetry receivers that provide important information about the females that frequent the area.

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