
The Fauna of Hacienda Tres Rios

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Hacienda Tres Rios Resort, Spa & Nature Park hosts thousands of guests each year, but thanks to our sustainable philosophy and 326-acre Tres Rios Nature Park, we also have permanent residents; 131 animal species. There are many you will never see, but there are some that like to come out and greet our visitors. So, during your next stay at Hacienda Tres Rios, keep your eyes open for these fauna friends.


Simply referred to as the Coati in this area, this relative of the raccoon is an omnivore and is active by day. Coatis weigh anywhere from 8 to 13 pounds and can be found in certain areas of the U.S., Mexico and South America. They can climb trees easily but generally stay on the ground. You may find that the Coatis at Hacienda Tres Rios are quite tame. Baby Coatis are super cute!


The “Ctenosaura” (Sounds like a dinosaur name, doesn’t it?) is native to Mexico and Central America. These iguanas can be anywhere from 5 to over 39 inches long and are omnivores. Iguanas seem calm and laid back, but they can move very quickly and often lose their tails during vicious fights. You will notice many of the resident iguanas at Hacienda Tres Rios basking in the warm midday sun.


Who doesn’t love monkeys? A Spider Monkey can weigh up to 20 pounds. Its arms are longer than its legs and its tail is used as an extra limb. They mostly eat ripe fruit and leaves, swing through the treetops and communicate through barks, whinnies, squeals, squeaks and screams. They are considered to be the third most intelligent nonhuman primate. Like Coatis, baby Spider Monkeys are adorable.


Agoutis are related to and look like large guinea pigs, but they are bigger and have longer legs. They are members of the rodent family. Agoutis weigh between 5 and 13 pounds and are 17 to 29 inches in length. Agoutis often bury their food, including fallen fruit, leaves and roots, and may or may not come back for it later. The Agouti is also called Sereque in Mexico. Agoutis are good swimmers.

Note: Please do not feed the animals or birds at Hacienda Tres Rios.

Get travelling, get away.