
Quintana Roo, Leader in Manatee Research

This technology has been used in several countries for some time now and has helped humans to learn more about these mammals.

The Mexican Caribbean is home to a wide variety of wildlife, from colorful birds to various marine species, including the manatee, a harmless herbivore that lives in lagoons, river mouths and along coasts.

Manatees can be found from Florida to the coasts of Brazil. In México, they live in the waters of the states of Campeche, Veracruz, Tabasco, Yucatán and Quintana Roo. They are peaceful and docile animals that belong to the Sirenia order. There are many myths and legends that claim that Manatees are related to mermaids.

The state of Quintana Roo has extensive experience in the care, study and management of this beautiful protected species. Since 1994 they have worked to capture, tag, release and track these mammals using advanced satellite location technology designed specifically for Manatees. This does not interfere with the animals’ normal behavior.

The transmitter sends information about their location and general behavior every half hour, including data about when they eat, rest and move. An interesting fact about this system is that it is not necessary to recapture the manatee to remove the transmitter. After a year the device is released from the manatee’s body.

This technology has been used in several countries for some time now and has helped humans to learn more about these mammals.

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