
A Good Year for Sea Turtles

2020 has been a challenging year. We were forced to change our routines completely

2020 has been a challenging year. We were forced to change our routines completely. But it is important to recognize that wildlife benefited from this forced pause. We all witnessed how, due to the absence of noise and people, many species ventured to explore the streets of cities and visit places normally occupied by human beings.

There was definitely a positive impact in Quintana Roo. When the beaches became “human-free”, there was a significant increase in the number of sea turtle nests. It is important to recognize that the local authorities did a great job managing the situation.

Beginning in May, Ecology staff and the Cancun Tourist Police toured the beaches to monitor nests, which stretched for more than 10 kilometers.

According to official figures, in mid-November 2020, the General Directorate of Ecology protected more than a million eggs belonging to four different species of sea turtle, including six Leatherback turtle nests, a species very rare on Cancun’s beaches. Only one Leatherback nest was recorded last year during nesting season.

It is also important to recognize the effort made by hotels located in nesting areas, like Sunset World Group’s Sunset Royal, which year after year is commits to the conservation of these endangered species by protecting nests and releasing hundreds of sea turtle hatchlings each year.

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