
2020: A Year of Important Archaeological Discoveries

In 2020, the National Institute of Anthropology and History released their findings.

This year has been challenging for humanity, but despite the difficulties, the archaeological sector has made significant progress. For instance, 6 pyramids were discovered in the state of Yucatán, one of the areas in Mexico that is characterized by vast archaeological wealth.

In 2020, the National Institute of Anthropology and History released their findings. Two pyramids were discovered in the Izamal municipality in the Chaltún Há archaeological zone. The main pyramid is eight meters high and one hundred meters long. The second structure was discovered in the Tizimín municipality in the Kubulá archaeological zone. This pyramid is six meters high and 50 meters long. The other structures are smaller and still remain hidden in the jungle.

INAH archaeologists involved in the project have said that these important finds are the result of meticulous exploration work. Inside some of the pyramids several objects from the Mayan culture were found, including human remains, weapons and ceramic items.

The Kubulá archaeological zone has been the subject of research for many years but is not yet open to the public. The Chaltún Há archaeological site opened to the public in 2019 despite the fact that it is located deep in the jungle.

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