
Sea turtles are a Priority at Sunset World

This is why it is extremely important to raise awareness and join efforts to care for the environment.

Cancún’s beaches are sea turtles’ favorite place to lay their eggs. This amazing natural event takes place every year from May to November.

Sunset World is committed to the environment and actively participates in the Sea Turtle Protection Program in collaboration with the Municipal Ecology Directorate. The number of turtle eggs we have protected is surprising. The program has collected 85,540 eggs and released 71,104 turtle hatchlings.

This year Sunset Royal in Cancún has registered 258 nests with 29,709 eggs, and 10,374 white turtle hatchlings have been released. Climatic conditions play a very important role in the number of turtle births, and unfortunately, they have been affected by climate change with the increase in temperature and heavy rains. Although moderate rains benefit egg incubation, if it rains too much the nests are affected.

This is why it is extremely important to raise awareness and join efforts to care for the environment. Sunset World, through Sunset Green World, implements and supports initiatives that benefit the environment and protect this beautiful destination and its natural treasures.

Get travelling, get away.