
4 Green Travel Tips for Your Next Vacation

Green Traveler's Guide: Tips for Your Next Vacation

How to be a more sustainable traveler? Here we tell you.
As Kermit the Frog says, it’s not easy being green. However, we all need to contribute to protecting the future of our planet even when being on vacation. Air travel produces more carbon that any other method of transportation, but there are things you can do to minimize your carbon footprint and/or offset it. These things don’t take a lot of effort or sacrifice, and you will still have a wonderful, relaxing (and guilt-free) vacation.

Claves que todo viajero verde debe saber

How to be a green traveler

Here are a few tips that will help you be a little eco-friendlier on your next trip:

1. Before you travel

There are many things you can do to conserve energy before you even leave home. Unplug all the appliances, even the television and the surge protector. They can use up to 40 watts of electricity per hour even when they are off. Make sure you put energy efficient light bulbs. If you are traveling by plane, try to get a direct flight instead of one that makes multiple stops. Use the plastic nametags that came with your luggage. The paper ones the airlines give out create unnecessary waste. Speaking of luggage, pack lightly because the heavier the plane, the more fuel it will use. If you buy a magazine or snacks in the airport, refuse the plastic bag, and put your purchases in your carry-on.

2. You are a traveler, but act as I you were a local

Some of the reasons why we travel is to learn about other cultures, find better weather, relax, or explore new places, but we must always keep in mind to be respectful of the local culture and, of course, the environment.

Whenever you visit a new country or city, care for it as if it were your hometown. So if, for example, you decide to spend the day at the beach, try to pack your food and beverages in reusable containers, take a trash bag with you and make sure to take your trash back with you and pick up trash if you see it, this way you protect birds and marine animals and prevent waste from reaching the ocean.

El huésped responsable

3. Responsible Guest

When you check-in, let management know that it is not necessary for them to change your sheets and towels every day. Always turn off the lights, T.V. and air-conditioning when you leave the room. Try using natural light by opening the curtains. If you plan to use the hotels’ toilerettes, don’t carry your own. At meals, especially buffets, take small amounts of food so that nothing is wasted. You can always go back for more. When checking out, save another tree and ask for paperless billing.

4. The green traveler: a step forward

Here we give a few more tips to become a green traveler:
Walk places. This will also help burn some of those extra calories you are consuming. If you cannot walk, take public transportation instead of renting a car. If you must rent a car, try to rent a hybrid.

Take a volunteer vacation. You may end up somewhere you never imagined helping with local education or to construct a drinkable water source.

Learn more about carbon offsets

Carbon offsets consist of financing environmental projects with the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This offsetting seeks to achieve carbon neutrality between the amount of carbon dioxide produced by a certain activity and the amount of carbon reduced thanks to a financed project. Many companies, music bands and celebrities are carbon neutral due to these offsets which include planting trees and producing renewable energy sources.

Get travelling, get away.