
Discover the Positive Side of Sargasso

We know that sargasso in Cancun and the Riviera Maya has become a matter of concern for tourists who decide to vacation in the Mexican Caribbean, but it is important to understand that it it’s a natural phenomenon and that its increase is due to Earth’s current climate conditions.

Each year, intense cleaning works are carried out in Cancun and the Riviera Maya to collect the sargasso from the beach, but have you ever wondered what happens to the sargasso once it has been removed? It has been known for some years that thanks to its composition rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fats, fibers, acids, and bioactive compounds, sargasso can be exploited in various sectors ranging from livestock to the pharmaceutical industry.

It is estimated that up to 12 million tons of sargasso are used worldwide, mainly in Asia and the Pacific. In the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, sargasso-based fertilizer is produced in the only company in the world that produces sargasso fertilizer on an industrial scale, following government’s environmental strategies, as well as the heavy metal extracting process, which prevents them from reaching the crops, says Héctor Romero, director of Dianco México, who also comments that to prevent sargasso from being disposed in the jungle or elsewhere, it is disposed of at the plant’s facilities for processing, thus avoiding and impact on the subsoil.

This Mexican company located between Cancun and Puerto Morelos is formed by Mexican environmental entrepreneurs and scientists, began operations in April of this year and daily processes 600 tons of sargasso. Up to a month ago, after four months of having started to operate, it was able to process more than 4,000 tons.

The director of Dianco also explains that the sargasso collected on the beaches may contain 70% sand and only 30% seaweed, so they recover up to 95% of that sand and return it to the beaches, contributing to an integral conservation of the beaches.

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