
Cancún Ranks First in Blue Flag Beaches and Marinas

Keeping Cancun's Blue Flag awards has been a challenge, but it was achieved thanks to businessmen, private citizens and hotels, who have made Cancún a favorite destination for national and international tourists

blue flag

Cancún demonstrates once again that it is the most important tourism destination in Mexico and world-renowned, once again, receiving the Blue Flag award from the Executive Director of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE).

Since 1985 this badge recognizes beaches and marinas that meet certain characteristics, such as waste management, sustainability, cleanliness of the water and facilities. It also seeks to create awareness in people about caring for beaches, implementing environmental improvement plans and mitigating the impact of human activities, by providing environmental information and education.

Cancún already had seven Blue Flag awards, but thanks to efforts to meet the required guidelines necessary to receive the award, there are now 35 more, 10 of which went to Cancun beaches including El Niño, Las Perlas, Chac Mool, Marlin, Ballenas, Delfines and Coral. The other 25 went to tourism boats, making the destination the first internationally to have vessels recognized.

Keeping Cancun’s Blue Flag awards has been a challenge, but it was achieved thanks to businessmen, private citizens and hotels, who have made Cancún a favorite destination for national and international tourists.

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