
Quintana Roo is a Model of Sustainable Development

The actions carried out by the state of Quintana Roo regarding climate change aroused the interest of the international community, which is why the designated President of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), Alok Sharma, visited Muyil in the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo to learn more about the sustainable use of timber and non-timber resources.

During his visit, authorities from the three levels of government explained to him that Quintana Roo has 154 forest management programs and that there are 800,000 hectares (almost 2 million acres!) managed under these programs, which is equivalent to one third of the state’s forest area.

The general director of the Institute of Biodiversity and Natural Protected Areas and the coordinator of operations of Pronatura Sur AC, presented to Alok Sharma the Pollinator Project which is carried out in the community of Felipe Carrillo Puerto and goes hand in hand with forestry use, as pollination is a vital element for native flora.

The president of the COP26 recognized the great work done in Quintana Roo and commented that he hopes more states will follow suit by reflecting México’s commitments under the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use.

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