
Art and Environmental Care

There are more and more initiatives in the Mexican Caribbean aimed at promoting the conservation of its natural wonders. On this occasion, art was utilized to raise funds for environmental actions and programs in the area.

At the beginning of April, an important virtual auction was held to benefit environmental conservation and sustainable development in the Mexican Caribbean. It was organized by the civil society Amigos de Sian Ka’an in alliance with one of the most prestigious galleries in Mexico, Bernardini Art Gallery & Auction House, located in México City and Querétaro.

480 works, both by new artists and by renowned Mexican and foreign painters, sculptors and photographers, were auctioned. Among the pieces were the works of great artists such as Rufino Tamayo, Francisco Toledo and Rafael Coronel, among others.

The proceeds from the auction will go to biodiversity conservation programs in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve and to support programs for Mayan communities, which provide them with tools and training to purify the water they consume.

Amigos de Sian Ka’an has laid the foundations so that conservation initiatives can be replicated by other organizations. Its achievements in conservation have extended beyond Quintana Roo to the entire Yucatán Peninsula.

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