
8 Facts About Mangroves And Why We Must Protect Them

In recent years there has been a lot of discussion about the destruction of mangroves located in downtown Cancun in the area known as Malecon Tajamar. There’s no doubt that as the Cancun area has grown, many mangroves have been destroyed, but it seems that both the local community and nature lovers from all over the globe have decided that enough damage has been done.

So, what is all the fuss about? Why should we be worried about the destruction of mangroves and other wetlands?

What are mangroves?

• Mangroves are a type of shrub that grow along the coastline in saltwater. 55% of Mexico’s mangroves are located on the Yucatan Peninsula.

Why are mangroves important?

• Mangroves protect coastal areas from erosion, tsunamis and storm surge during hurricanes. Maintaining a healthy mangrove forest is less expensive than seawalls and similar control structures.
• Mangroves provide a habitat for fish and crustaceans, which contributes to the abundance of these populations.
• Mangrove systems support wildlife including crocodiles, birds, jaguars and other felines, deer, monkeys and honeybees.
• Mangrove forests serve as nesting areas for coastal birds.
• Mangrove systems filter coastal water before it reaches coral reefs and seagrass habitats.
• Mangroves can be used as a natural solution for treatment of sewage waste material.

The destruction of mangrove forests leads to a chain of effects in other ecosystems that are dependent on mangrove forests for survival, like tropical rain forests.

Because Hacienda Tres Rios understands the importance of preserving the mangroves, before the resort was built, a group of specialized scientists was assembled to carry out environmental studies of the ecology and management of the coastal vegetation, mangroves, fauna and vegetation of the building site and Tres Rios Nature Park.

As a result of these studies, the hotel was constructed on over 400 pilings, 2.8 meters above ground, which allows natural water flow to continue.

Hacienda Tres Rios also runs a reforestation program and nursery which has cultivated thousands of mangroves.

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